Monday, September 12, 2016

Motivation Plays A Big Role In Everything

In fitness, you hear the word "motivation" a lot. But why is that? Do we really need this much encouragement to lose weight, get fit, stay healthy? To be honest, yes we do. We often need little motivation to start, but we need to be motivated to follow through with what ever goals you put in place.

Motivation is not only for those of you trying to live healthier, we all need to be motivated. It doesn't matter if you're a doctor, a construction worker or a teacher. While motivation is important, accountability is the crucial piece of the puzzle.

When you're alone trying to lose weight, who holds you accountable to follow through with your weight loss plan? If you're alone, nobody. It's tough to follow through on our goals when we're not being held accountable for our actions.

One of the greatest gifts I gave myself was a mentor. He held me accountable, he made sure both of us had my best interest to heart and he made sure I followed through on my goals. I suggest the same for you. You don't have to go the mentor route, but that depends on your set goals. What you must have is someone that can hold you accountable to get things done.

If you take away anything, "have someone hold you accountable so you can stay your course and succeed in what you do."

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